Tuesday, November 6, 2012

No lesser evil

For years, i have been waiting for my turn. This election, quite possibly the most important election of our generation, is the first one i am old enough to vote in. It has come down to the choice.

Obama Vs. Romney

On the one hand, we have Obama. The man who wants to make unrestricted, unlimited abortions legal for any reason whatsoever.
He is also the man who will make sure gay rights keep going in the right direction, and supports marriage equality, and families that aren't defined by sexuality.

On the other hand, we have Romney. The man who is passionate about his position of defending the rights of pre-born babies, and defining life as beginning at conception.
Yet, he is also the man who wants to eliminate my families only source of income (at the moment), and prevent my special needs son from getting the services he needs to thrive in society.

That being said, we are told to vote for "The lesser of two evils."

In this case, there is no lesser evil..

How can i, as a responsible American voter, cast my vote for a man who thinks it's okay to murder babies 3 days after they're born?

How can i, as a loving, responsible mother, vote for the man who believes middle class families should "fend for themselves" and thinks my SPD son doesn't deserve special therapists to help him overcome his neurological disabilities to thrive in life?

That is why, i am choosing not to vote in this election.

I hear so many people tell me "don't vote? don't complain!" Then, i have other pro-lifers tell me that i don't truly care about the unborn, since i'm not voting for Romney, and that not voting, is a vote for Obama. I'm sorry, but this is simply not true.
My grandfather fought for this country, so that i would have the freedom to vote. Freedom to vote, means the freedom NOT to vote if i so choose.The way i see it, if we vote for Obama, our country will stay the way it has been for the past 4 years. If we vote for Romney, the economic downturn would be catastrophic, and unemployment would be even worse than it already is. Worse than that, poverty levels, and the rates of children being removed from homes would sky-rocket due to impoverished families being unable to access emergency assistance if they need it.

I understand that the welfare system is grossly abused, and that there are millions out there that misuse the system to pay for drugs and alcohol. However, if i am truly pro-life, that means i am pro-life for EVERYONE. Not just pre-born babies, but born children, and families as well.

These are the reasons why i have made my choice. I am spending election day, voting for motherhood. As i sit here, quickly jotting down my thoughts with my hair in a messy bun, an apron on my shoulders, laundry going in the washer, dishes soaking in the sink, dinner on the stove, and happy children playing, i know i have made the right choice.
My reluctant vote for someone i don't truly believe in, would simply be a wasted vote. There is no point in me just aimlessly "eenie meenie miney mo-ing" my way through the ballot box, just because it's my "American Duty." Sorry, but i have a bigger duty to my family. My responsibilities to my country, are better served out there on the front lines. Making a difference to REAL people on the streets, and in my community then just mindlessly casting a vote.

Okay, i have to go now. Got a LOT more work to do. Live long, and prosper..


  1. Don't limit your choices to the two best known candidates. There are always others (http://www.politics1.com/p2012.htm) that may better represent you, though you may need to write them in. True, they don't stand a chance, but you are still letting your voice be heard. Those who say the others are stealing votes from one side or the other (whoever is most likely to lose) are making the wrong assumption that you would vote for their man otherwise. But then, there's the electoral college ... Well, there are usually other issues on the ballot that may be more important to you, which is why I started voting in the first place.

  2. True. I'm glad gay marriage, and recreational marijuana was legalized in several states. I would have voted third party, had i known anything about those candidates. I look foreward to a clean slate 4 years from now. New candidates that are neither Obama, nor Romney.
