Saturday, November 24, 2012


So, i've decided to do a full overhaul on the blog. Attempting to make it everything i wish it was. It sucks, because this is like my safe-haven. The one place i can escape, and i rarely have time to visit it. Grrr...

Just so y'all know, yes we ARE having a birthday party for Zachary. Unfortunately we have had to delay it due to the holiday season, lack of time, money, and conflicting schedules. I will let you know when it is when we know. Thank you for your patience :)

Aaaaaahhhhh..... Relaxationnnn.... OWWW!!! Oh yeah, that's right.. I'm a mom, my everything hurts..

I've been on my feet so much more lately than usual. Busting my ass day in and day out, doing an ungodly amount of laundry, dishes, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, and taking care of the kids plus all that that entails, on top of being now 24 weeks pregnant.. GAH!! I haven't been able to take anything for it either since i found out that ibuprofen is not safe during pregnancy. I was told acetaminophen was safe during pregnancy, but after further research i have discovered it's only recommended for use for occasional pain. Mine is constant and chronic. So, i guess that's all for now. I leave you with the 23 week belly shot. Yes, i'm 24 weeks now, but i haven't had a chance to blog in awhile. Peace, love, and crunchy :)

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