Sunday, September 30, 2012

Haven't posted in a bit...

So, I’ve definitely gotten behind in my blogging. Not really much to say in that department. I’ve been busy lol.
My pregnancy is going pretty well so far. I actually have morning sickness this time around, so maybe that’s indicative of it being a girl this time? Who knows. I mean, i’ll be happy to have a healthy child either way, but at the same time it’s only natural to have a preference. Having two boys already, i would LOVE to have a little princess to do girly stuff with. What mother doesn’t? I keep telling Skie not to go out and buy boy clothes for the baby just yet, but then i have a hard time myself not buying girls things. Sorry babe, i just have a strong feeling that it’s a girl. Knowing my luck, it’ll turn out to be a boy lol. Anywhoo, i’m 13 weeks and 3 days along now, so i have just 4 days until i am officially in my second trimester, WOOT! It’s getting increasingly more difficult to sleep comfortably. I remember at this stage in my last two pregnancies, i felt just fine. This time around, i am showing already, and bloated as all holy hell!
Aww!! Eragon just did the cutest thing! He came up to me, and said “Ba nigh night! Shhh!” and put his finger up in a “shushing” motion lol! “Ba” means “Vacuum”. He can’t enunciate V’s just yet, so he says “Ba” :) That’s mommy’s funny boy<3 His behaviors have gotten a little worse lately. We are trying to get him in the be evaluated for ASD, and SPD. Other than that, he has been his regular funny self :)
However, my big boy has a big birthday coming up!! Yay!! He’s going to be a whole 2 years old on the 24th!! We’re having his party on the 29th though because most people work during the week, so we chose a saturday. I’m making him a Lightning McQueen cake, getting some chocolate ice cream, making apple pies baked inside the apples, a chicken and broccoli alfredo pizza, and lots of other yummies :) We’re having the party up at my moms house. Lots of room for him, and the other kids coming, to run around. With 77 acres of land, there BETTER be room to play on there lol!!
Zachary has been developing quite well. He’ll be 10 months old on saturday, and has already taken 2 steps unassisted! He is a super-fast crawler too. So fast, we can hardly catch him! I do get a bit frustrated though because a few times, i’ve caught him in the bathroom with his hands in the toilet when Skie was supposed to be watching him. GRRR!!! Needless to say, there was some disinfecting, and baby-proofing going on after that! I can’t really get too upset at Skie for that too since i’ve had my share of parenting blunders. We all have.
Admittedly, he has been SUPER cranky lately. He’s got tooth number 8 coming in, but i don’t think it’s just that. It seems like something more, but i’m not sure what. It’s not easy being an attachment parent. Answering every cry as soon as it occurs, baby-wearing, bed-sharing, etc. It is draining beyond belief. Mostly because i’m pregnant, and in the lethargic stage, but still; it’s hard. My boys deserve it though<3
I’m having a lot of self-image problems lately. After i had Zachary, i started dieting and exercising to no avail. It wasn’t until he was 6 months old that i kicked it into high-gear, and stuck to a strict vegetarian diet of less than 500 calories a day, and an exercise routine of burning NO less than 1500 calories a day. I lost 55 lbs in 3 months. I was feeling alright, but still not happy with my appearance. I was still a LONG way from my goal. I then found out i was pregnant, so i had to stop. After i got so far along, i decided to eat anything, and everything i wanted in hopes that it would make it look like i was showing a little more (i miss my baby belly). Unfortunatly, all it has done it made me look hideously fat despite only gaining 10 lbs. So now my self-esteem has taken a pretty hard left turn, and i’m finding it very hard not to take drastic measures to lose the weight. I’m trying to control myself, and simply be a little more active (i.e. more walking) and eating healthier (i.e. fruits, and veggies. No junk.) That should solve the problem.
Okay, so that’s all i really have to say today. Not much else going on really. Guess i’ll update more either tonight, or tomorrow. Maybe later after that. Okay, bye :)

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