Sunday, September 30, 2012

Here's a bit to get to know my past

I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile. Having several journals that were either destroyed by vindictive mother-in-laws, lost through moving, or otherwise never followed through upon; i really need this space. My own relm. The venting of my frustrations, the sharing of daily joys, the bragging about my children, and a world all my own, where I make the rules for once. Let me begin..
My name is Tyler, and i am 19 years old, and a mother of two boys and pregnant with my third child (gender unknown). They all have the same father, who is my fiance. I was brought into this world on October 26th, 1992 by my loving mother Louella. I have two older sisters, and 1 younger sister (only one of which is my mothers other biological child). My father has never been active in my life, and for that i’m not really one to complain. I mean, every time he was around, he was either drinking with me in the car, showing me off in bars, or leaving me in the car for hours so he could drink in the bar when i had yet to hit double digits in my age.
We moved around a bit, though not as much as others have. I only changed schools 4 times, one of those being the transition from elementary to middle/high school. I was never what you would consider “cool” or even liked by generally the entire school population, which i was fine with. Being the lone goth kid was kind of my staple. At lease it meant i wasn’t a zombie. Many of the “popular” girls and boys would only ever talk to me, and ask me questions to laugh at my response. I knew what they were doing, but i really didn’t care. They were the ones with nothing better to do. Sure, i had a small group of friends. We were all very close, and i still keep in touch with many of them, but i always felt at peace when alone. Perhaps i’m just introverted. Or inherently bizarre.
Boys were never much of a concern for me. In fact, i encountered my first boyfriend when i wasn’t even trying. We were in art class one day, at the tender age of 12 . He was dating an acquaintance of mine (who is now my friend), and i was drawing a ficus. On that day, he decided he wanted to date the new girl (me). That being said, he broke up with her, and asked me out 20 minutes later. Having never been interested in by a boy before, all i could think of to blurt out was “Sure!” And there began the 4 year on-and-off relationship that pretty much cemented my dating life.
After a bit of thinking about my answer, i went over to my then-acquaintance, and talked to her about it. We cleared everything up, and she wasn’t mad because after all, they had dated for less than a week, and did not have strong feelings for him, but preferred them to be friends *phew!* I am definitely glad that something so trivial didn’t break up a good friendship. Later that school year, me and my then-boyfriends sister became friends. She is now my best friend in the world, and about as close to being a sister as anyone non-biological person i have ever known. I honestly don’t know how i would have gotten through high school without her.
4 years of dating this boy on and off. As hard as he tried to move things further, i just wasn’t ready. At age 15, i met who would become my 3rd boyfriend (i dated someone for a short time between my first boyfriend, and him). Me, and my first boyfriend had finally broken up for good because he cheated on me, then left me for the whore. Anyway, this boy was really something. I had a big crush on him, but didn’t dare tell him that because he was popular. And me, the fat goth kid, would never have a chance with the tall, handsome, muscular jock that everybody was friends with. I told my best friend (first bf’s sister) that i liked this guy. Well, they just happened to ride the same school bus, so she decided to spill the beans (gotta love her). The next morning, at school breakfast, he sat down next to me and just smiled. I say to him “You know, don’t you..” And he said “Yep.” and continued smiling. My friend comes up behind me, and i slap her arm in a friendly manner (all our friends were quite violent with one another. But it’s cool, because that was just our way.) So, after is turned 16 we began dating. I met his parents, he met my mother, and we went out on several dates. He had a job, a great sense of humor, was multi-talanted, and liked me! I couldn’t beileve it! I fell fast, and hard as young people do. Things escalated at a moderate rate, and about a month or two into our relationship, i lost my virginity to him. Ah… Every teen girls dream. To pop her cherry on the bottom half of a bunk-bed while watching “Enchanted”. How was it? Well, let’s just say i paid a little more attention to the movie (BUUUUURRRRNNNN!!!!). Needless to say, we lasted for about 2 1/2 more months due to him cheating on me twice (once with his ex, and once with a “friend” of mine), and dumping me over the phone (pussy).
I fell into a deep depression after the breakup. I had had a history of cutting myself since i was 12 years old, but this just made it worse. A few months later (about 2), i met this older guy. He was 18, so i just thought that was SOOOO cool. I actually wasn’t looking to date anyone because i was still vulnerable from my recent break-up. But he must have sensed that, because he sought me out directly. We were hanging out with a long-time best friend of mine, and she introduced us. At one point during the night, he decided he needed to go to the corner store, and said “Someone come with me. Ummm…. You!” and pointed right at me.  I was like “Okay, why not?” Not thinking anything of it (i was naive) i went with him. Half way to the store, he put his arm around me. I was a bit confused, until he turned to me, stopped walking, and just kissed me right there. Gosh he was cute! I was taken aback. Completely shocked that anyone would pursue me. Being in the vulnerable state i was, it took me all of a millisecond to accept his offer to date me. I am not proud of the things i did while with him. I was so desperate for someone to love me, that i jumped into the sexual aspect all of one day after; and now that i look back, i am disgusted and ashamed at that. We only dated for a few weeks, but it didn’t take him long to become violent, and then refuse to stop during a session of sex when i told him no. To which he decided to dump me as soon as he was finished. Asshat. This was the second sexual abuse i had survived through. The first being a very close adult figure when i was only 8 years old. To protect certain parties (not the molester, but other people) i will not disclose how i knew this man. But let’s just say i was 8, and he was 52.
After all of these events, still in the span of my 16th year, i dated two more people for a few weeks (not at the same time). In September of that year (2009) i met someone new. Someone different. His name is Skie. He was one of my friends’ cousins, and i met him at her house (he was living with them) while we were getting ready for homecoming. I thought he was just about the most gorgeous man i had ever seen in my life. Yes, i said man. He was 32. Did i care? No, and i still don’t. Age is just a number (as long as you follow the law). It wasn’t until a few days later that my friend came to me, and told me that her cousin Skie said he thought i was very beautiful. Well, being that i already liked him, i just about went through the roof with excitement!! We never really said more than a couple words to eachother until their Halloween party the next month. By that time, my 17th birthday had just passed, and i was finally legal! Free to date whoever i wanted without fear of that person being arrested or jailed (i live in New York state. 17 is the legal age of consent here.) At this party, my ex boyfriend was there with his new girlfriend (my first boyfriend). It didn’t really phase me because by that time i had been over him for awhile, and we managed to remain good friends. Me and Skie began talking, and discovered we had a lot in common. We both loved the same music, the same movies, the same clothes, tv shows, websites, and just about everything else. Curious to find out we were both also Wiccan. How about that! Still, we were just friends for awhile after that. It wasn’t until November 16th that our frequent conversations up to that point finally got down the the real deal. He actually pursued me, and asked me if i wanted to date him. I told him yes. This time, i knew it would be different. This man was not the same as my ex’s. He had something different. Not only was he the most attractive out of all of them, but he possessed something they didn’t. A heart. He was sensitive, deep-thinking, quiet, polite, and always there to help anyone with anything. I knew this was someone i couldn’t let slip away. We dated for several weeks just in the euphoric phase which was wearing off. We spent so much time together, nearly every day in fact, everything was perfect. Not long after the euphoria wore off, we took it to the next step and became sexual. This was different too. Instead of just going for it, he asked. He was so sweet to me, and asked if i was absolutely sure i wanted to do this, and if i was ready. And i said yes.  Things were still wonderful. A few weeks later, we were kissing, and cuddling together. He stopped, and looked at me. I asked him what was wrong, and he said “Nothing. But i think i’m falling in love with you.” I answered with a less than hesitant “I’m falling in love with you too!” And started kissing him more. He pulled away from me again (i guess he thought i only said it in the heat of the moment), and said “No, i’m serious.” I stopped, looked into his eyes, and said “I am too.” And i guess you can figure out what happened then lol.
We dated for a bit after that, and my mom found out we were having sex. She knew he wasn’t my first, but she still flipped out. To make a very, very, very, very long story short; she ended up putting me on pins, sending me to a foster home, and trying to keep us apart. That however didn’t work because i was above the legal age, and there was nothing she could do about it. Anyhow, we decided around that time that we loved each other so much, we wanted to share that love with a child. Yes, at this time i was still 17, and he had turned 33. I became pregnant upon 1 try of us stopping protection. Also, he had proposed to me LOOOOONNNGGGG before we ever decided to have a child, so that was already established. And of course, i said yes :) My mom finally stopped trying to keep us apart, and accepted our relationship (we are all now very close, and she likes him a lot). 37 weeks later, on Sept. 24th 2010 i gave birth by unplanned c-section to our beautiful son who we named Eragon-Nathanial Adrien Octavius Mcbee. He will now be 2 years old in a few weeks :)
A month later, after my 18th birthday, i had to have my gall bladder removed due to it being loaded with stones. After this, i ended up in the hospital with terrible abdominal pains. There, i was told i had an infection in my uterus, and would never be able to conceive another child. We were absolutely devastated. After this diagnosis, we stopped our birth control methods figuring “What’s the point?” Well, it didn’t take long after that for me to get a positive pregnancy test! Eragon was only 4 months old!
Right then, i started planning to have a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Ceserean) because there was no-way i wanted to go through that agony and torture of a c-section recovery again. I found a care provider who was supportive, and had everything planned out for the whole 39 weeks. That is, until i had a sizing scan at 39 weeks, and it was determined that due to low fluid levels, the baby had to come out right then, but induction was too dangerous. Unbeknownst to me, he was full of shit. So, being uninformed as i was, we ended up having him that day. November 15th, 2011 our second son Zachary-Ryan Rain Joseph Mcbee was born. The irony being his birth was the day before mine and Skie’s 2nd anniversary :) So, things have been going since then.
Eragons 2nd birthday is in a few weeks, my 20th birthday follows, and then Zachary’s first birthday is a month after mine (Skie’s birthday isn’t until June 28th.) We are all still currently living together. We are not yet married (don’t plan on that happening for awhile), and i am 11 weeks and 5 days pregnant with our third child, due March 17th :) And believe me, we were NOT planning this pregnancy. I was on birth control, and we were tracking my cycle, but you know how things are. He, or she was just meant to be here :) Oh, and i am planning a HBA2C.
Now, as i’m sure you know, this is not everything that has happened in the past 3 years. I have left quite a bit out due to unimportance, irrelevance,  or being something i simply do not wish to share. I don’t think i would ever have the time to sit and write everything lol, but you pretty much get the gist of my life so far. So, this is me. This is my life so far, and i wouldn’t change it for anything. I love my fiance, and our children more than life itself, and we have a very strong support system. I shall be posting (hopefully) at least once a day. Probably at the end of the day, when the kids are in bed so i actually have time to sit and write without hearing “Mama! Mama! Mama! Waaahhh!!! Waaahh!!! Wahhh!!! Babe, get the diapers!!! Oh my god,  somethings on fire!!!” lol XD Oh well, that’s life. This is what we wanted, and we’re just taking it one day at a time<3

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