Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bulk post: Eragon update/My birthday/New hair/Impending ultrasound

Eragon Update:

So, Eragon had his surgery 5 days ago. The past few days have been hectic of taking care of Eragon, and everything else that we do on a regular basis. Happily, he took the surgery like a champ, and by the end of the day he was up, and playing.

He spent a good portion of the first two days laying on the couch, watching Thomas & Friends, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Super Why, and Dumbo :)

For the most part, we are happy with the results. Most of the nurses were very nice, and attentive to our needs. The doctor however, was a complete ass. First of all, we were told weeks ago that we would be able to be in the room with Eragon while he went under the anesthesia. But when we got there, they just took him away and we had to watch him scream and begging for me and Skie, only to have strangers hold him down, and force a mask over his face :'(  As we were heading towards the waiting room, we heard him screaming in the OR. Skie turned around, and started heading in, only to be stopped and pushed out by nurses. Before they brought him in, we were asking the surgeon general questions (risks of the anesthesia, things we need to look out for, etc.) And instead of giving us actual answers, he just shook his head yes or no (unless we asked him a question that REQUIRED a verbal answer). Also, the whole time, he had this look of superiority on his face the whole time that i found very insulting.
When the surgery was done, they called us from the recovery room, and told us to come in because he was awake. And of course, as a mother, i got up and headed towards the room as fast as i could, especially since i could hear him screaming through the phone. That's when Dr. Dickhead decided to stop us, and ask "Where are you going?" So we said "To see Eragon. They just called us, and told us to come to the recovery room." So he says "Well, i need to talk to you about the surgery first. You do.. WANT me to talk to you, don't you?" I swear, i just about smacked those coke-bottle glasses right off his tiny little head!
So after he kept us in the quiet room to tell us a bunch of crap we already knew (and pretty much spare him any liability from not informing us of anything), we FINALLY got to go to the recovery room and be with him. He was in so much pain, and was crying and screaming "mama! mama! mama!!!" It just broke my heart, and i broke down crying. I, thankfully, got to hold him while he slept off the rest of the anesthesia. At one point, i handed him to Skie so he could cuddle and comfort him for awhile. I took Zachary, and Eragon woke up. Despite being in pain, he felt well enough to say "Bee baba, down!!" And i couldn't help but laugh. My sweet baby boy<3 The prescribed him Tylenol with Codeine for pain management, and BOY did that work!! Put him out for awhile!! Sure, we enjoyed the quiet; but i would have much rather have had my baby boy happy, and surgery-free then passed out in a narcotic coma.

He has done so good since the surgery, and it's healing nicely. He only has a bit of bruising, and his scar is pink. Tomorrow, we get to take the bandage off his pelvis, and see how everythings going under there.

As far as all that goes, i think that's about all i've got since the surgeries all over with, and he came out of it like a boss. So, onto the next topic i guess.

Happy 20th Birthday to me:

Not much to talk about in this topic. I was born 20 years ago on October 26th 1992 at 9:11 PM. Yes... 911. Go ahead, get it out of your system. I'll wait..

Okay, now that that's over with: Let's see, i got Pizza, and a cheesecake for my birthday for food. As for presents, i got a new pair of shoes, and some hair dye (refer to the picture below).

Yeah, i was right. That's pretty much it lol.

New Hair:

So, for this picture, i have shown my new hair color, and my intactivist shirt (you can see the google image in a previous blog post, below). I am absolutely LOVING this color!!!

Again, not much to write lol...

Impending ultrasound:

Not much to write here either lol.

Just an update really.

I've been starting to feel little movements lately, and when i search for the fundal height, it is just about adjacent to my belly button (as you can see). Although, most of what you see is just my fat, the baby pushes it out even further. I can't wait! We get to see what we're having in 4 days!!! 3, if you don't count the two hours left in this day lol ;)

My SPD seems to be getting worse lately. Just about 20 minutes ago, i had some sort of an attack (that i've been having frequently lately). It's on the right side of my pelvis, and it felt like a ripping/burning pain, that ached from that spot into my back, and down my right leg. GOD that sh*t hurt!! Not sure what it was, but it's definitely something i'm bringing up at my appointment on Wednesday.

Oh! And speaking of my appointment! I thought i was going to get to FINALLY meet my OB, after going 19 (20 as of midnight tonight) weeks without meeting him, but then i realized my appointment if on Wednesday, and he's only in the clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So yeah, needless to say i'm a tid bit pissed.

So, i guess that's all i've got for now. Update ASAP. Probably on Wednesday. Peace :) 

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