Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ultrasound Excitement / Surgery Nervousness

Ultrasound Excitement:

So, as the day for the gender reveal looms closer every second, i find myself more and more excited. Yet nervous at the same time.

With Eragon, i already knew he was a boy. I just felt it. Skie was convinced he was a girl, but i knew. With Zachary, i didn't have a clue. Skie knew he was a boy too, but i just had no idea. This time is a bit different though. This time, all the signs point to girl. I kind of feel like it may be a girl, and i HOPE we're having a girl; but then something inside me just feels like it's going to be another boy.
Skie is convinced he only makes boys now, so doesn't think we'll be suprised with a girl at all. We don't really know for sure, and wont for another week and 4 days.

Surgery Nervousness:

Eragons surgery is just two days away.

I had to take him to the phlebotomist yesterday for his pre-surgery blood work that the Drs. office conveniently neglected to tell us about until the last minute. He didn't take the needle very well due to his SPD, and i'm concerned about how the after-surgery pain is going to effect him.
I mean, we'll do our best to keep him properly medicated, but i don't want to give him too much, for fear of an accidental overdose. Then another thing i'm concerned about is taking him home. He is still in a 5-point rear facing harness, and i just hope the leg part in the middle doesn't rub against the area, and hurt him on the way home.

As any mother would be, i am concerned about the risks, and the possibility of something going wrong. So far i haven't seen anything bad about the surgery, but perhaps i need to do some more research. Then again, if i look up the horror stories, i may just scare myself too much out of letting him go through the surgery he needs.
After all, if he doesn't have the surgery it can cause pain in the future when he grows more, and his chances of having children when he's ready are greatly reduced.
I don't know how to get through it, i'm just so scared! I mean, he is my first born child! He's only two years old, and has to go through corrective surgery on his reproductive system!!

I don't know.. Not sure what i was hoping to get out of this blog post. Maybe i thought that writing things out might bring me to some sort of calming realization that would suddenly make it all better. Things just feel so out of my control. Neither me, or Skie are going to be allowed in the room when he has the surgery due to the "risk of medical tampering". What?!? So.. We can't hold our childs hand while he goes under the knife, because we might somehow screw up the surgery?
Oh, but not to worry! They're letting us stay with him until the anesthesia kicks in! Then we have to watch our first born child be wheeled away to surgery with neither one of us there for him. I just don't know what i'll do if something happens..

Okay, so i guess that's all for now. Write more when i have the time. Peace.

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