Saturday, October 6, 2012

Completion of week 16/My thoughts*Name Announcement*

Hey there. So, i've decided to organize my posting into weekly blogs as my life is far from interesting enough to write daily, or even 2-3 times a week. A summation of the whole week seems to suffice.

Week 16 of this pregnancy has been pretty rough. My SPD (Symphasis Pubis Dysfunction) has kicked into high-gear, and i am now up to about 6 Aleve tablets a day, which is twice the dose recommended not to exceed, but without it, i can't handle the pain! It's really bad when i first wake up in the morning, or if i've been sitting for long periods of time. The kicker? I have to sit a lot these days because of the pressure from my uterus, and how tired i get lately.

At my last OB appointment, i discovered that my doctor has taken a leave of absence, and will be gone from work until further notice. So now, i have no idea when i'm going to meet him, and in the meantime i have to deal with the nurses showing RCS (Repeat C-section) down my throat, and telling me i can't birth vaginally, because my body hasn't "proven" that it can. What garbage.
Then there's the other nurse who said to me "Well if give birth here, you WILL have a c-section. Geez lady, talk about informed consent much?!

As for my mental and emotional state, that is quite lacking these days. I'm going crazy from all the stress, and getting absolutely NO emotional support from anyone. All my family has been doing is minimizing my feelings, and blowing everything off as me being either "immature" or "over-exaggerating my pregnancy hormones". Yeah, well sit and spin buddy..
I am so sick of sitting around, and being told that i'm wrong 100% of the time, that my opinions about everything don't matter, and that everyone else but me has a brain. Well guess what? If you all fucking hate me so much, and would do "just fine without me" then why i don't  i just fucking leave?!? See how "just fine" you do when you're doing it yourself.

I've been really considering training to be a doula. It is very rewarding work, and i would be helping so many women at the most vulnerable times in their lives, and it is a field i would be happy in. Idk if i would want to start the training while i'm still pregnant with this baby, or after the birth.
I have time to decide though. Lots of time.

Oh! And speaking of the baby! We have finally come up with a girls name!! If she is a girl, her name will be Emberlynn Chelsie Marie Mcbee :) Pretty, eh? And, we go in for the gender ultrasound on the 31st, which is just 3 weeks and 4 days :) I already know she's going to be a girl. I can just feel it. While Skie is convince he only makes boys, but we'll see :)
Along with the ultrasound, my birthday is also 5 days before that. Gonna be 20!! Wow, no longer a teenager. That's a hard pill to swallow, i tell ya that!

Not much else to write from this week except some symptoms. My nausea is just about gone, but kicks in pretty good when i'm in the car. I am now leaking a fair bit of colostrum, resulting in sore, swollen, full breasts. Hey, at least i HAVE breasts now! Damn things are barely above a B cup :/ I guess my only other symptoms lately would be my near-constant back pain, and the SPD. Other than that, i also have my mood swings. Not nearly as bad as other people's though *rolls eyes*.

Well that's all for now. I will leave you with a link to this post i found about a woman in Australia who beat the odds, and had a natural labor and birth of tripplets. Here ya go. Enjoy :)

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