Sunday, October 7, 2012

Stressful night. Coping with my mind.

Grrr.... Time for this crabby mommy to wind down! The boys were quite well-behaved today. I mean, the odd tantrum here or there, and Eragon bit Zachary once; but other than that, it was pretty good. It wasn't until we were trying to put them down to bed that it got stressful.

So, Zachary went down for his only nap of the day at around noon, and slept til 2:30. Then he decided to stay awake, and not go to bed until midnight!!! He was so exhausted for two hours straight, but was just fighting his sleep as hard as he could.
I had him cradled in my arms while giving him the bottle, rocking and bouncing him, and singing the itsy bitsy spider (the boys' favorite song), and continued to do that for about an hour.
Every time he was just about asleep, either Eragon would come up wanting to be held, and i would have to shoo him away, or my moms husband would decide to blast his music, or someone would start talking loud, etc. etc. etc. It just goes on and on..

I've been in an increasingly large amount of pain lately, with seemingly no subsidization in sight.

I need a massage..

Nothing else much to write. Like i said before, my life isn't interesting enough to write every day. I'm thinking my next entry might be about weight and/or body image of some sort. Maybe tonight, maybe later in the week. Kk. So long for now. Peace.

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